
This blog has been set-up as part of the Academy of the Sacred Heart’s Mobile Technology Program to encourage faculty and staff to experiment with Web 2.0 tools that are applicable to education.

Over a period of ten weeks, participants complete "23 Things" to become familiar with a variety of Web 2.0 tools.  Please read over the FAQs and Tips for Success to learn more about the program.  Then get started with Thing 1.

This Program launched the week of January 18 (Week 1).  Finish all 23 Things by March 30, 2010 and you will receive a free USB/MP3 Player.*  Technology Coaches will continue to support you and your work with the 23 Things until April 19, 2010.

*You must be an employee of the Academy of the Sacred Heart in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan to be eligible to receive the USB/MP3 player.  However, anyone can participate in this 23 Things project.