• Is this program open to all ASH Faculty and Staff?
  • How long do I have to complete the program?
    The program kicks off the week of January 18 and officially wraps up on April 19, 2010.  However, faculty/staff that complete all
    23 Things by March 30, 2010 will receive an MP3 player.
  • If I’m in the Mobile Technology Program, can I count my participation in this 23 Things project toward my 60 hours of technology professional development?
  • How do I track my progress for each of the 23 Things?
    Each faculty/staff member that chooses to participate in this program will be required to keep a blog to track his/her progress.  Those that are recording professional development hours as part of the Mobile Technology Program will also need to record their hours in their OneNote binders.  Since blog entries describe activities, in the OneNote binder the descriptions can simply state, "See blog."  If recording your professional development in OneNote, do enter the Thing number and date along with the time spent. 
  • How long do my blog posts need to be?  Your discovery posts for each exercise must contain substance and provide insights into what you’ve learned.  If you don’t know how to measure “substance,” then make sure your posts are no less than 100 - 125 words.
  • Will there be any training offered to show faculty/staff how to complete this program?
    There will be an initial session during the first week to help you set up your blog.  However, the majority of the program is self-directed.  If you feel you need assistance with an item, you are encouraged to be resourceful and to find a colleague or Technology Coach who can help. Reading
    blogs of other faculty/staff members in the program can help as well.
  • I've seen the list of 23 Things on this site, but how do I know what to do with them?
    Each week, two or three hyperlinks will be added to the 23 Things listed on this site. The hyperlinks will open up to an instructions page.  The reason for this staggered approach is to allow participants the ability to focus each week on a different area without feeling overwhelmed.
  • Can I work ahead through the list of items on my own?
    As hyperlinks become available, you can work ahead. 
  • What if I need help - who can I contact?
    You are encouraged to work with colleagues and Technology Coaches along your discovery journey.
  • When will the MP3 players be awarded?
    If you complete all 23 Things by March 30, 2010, your USB/MP3 player will be awarded to you at the
    All-School Faculty/Staff Meeting on April 12.

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